february is heart disease awareness month

Here are 12 Foods to Boost Nitric Oxide Levels

Nitric Oxide is a molecule produced naturally in the body by the conversion of dietary nitrates. Nitric Oxide is important for vasodilation which causes the inner muscles of the blood vessels to relax which causes them to widen which improves circulation. It also improves immune cell communication and function. Nitrates improve blood flow and can reduce blood pressure in those with elevated levels. Nitric Oxide can also enhance exercise performance by improving blood flow to active muscles and delaying fatigue. It is important to consult your physician before making any dietary changes while taking blood pressure medication so you can be monitored in case your meds need to be adjusted.

Here are 12 foods that naturally boost nitric oxide levels which can help lower high blood pressure that can lead to heart disease:

1.     Beet roots/juice                                        7. Eggplant

2.     Pomegranate/juice                                   8. Broccoli

3.     Walnuts                                                        9. Meat, Poultry, Seafood

4.     Garlic                                                             10. Radishes

5.     Dark Chocolate                                          11. Leafy Greens

6.     Citrus Fruits                                                12. Wax gourd (winter melon)


As a National Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach, I offer 12-week programs specifically for heart disease that help you eat to improve your condition. If you are curious and would like a free consultation to learn more, please call me at 253-221-1009, or email me  at lynnrester@healthyeatingandlifeplans.com.


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