She’s got a story – and the skills to help you – unlike any other.

“My focus is to help those with autoimmune conditions reduce pain, INFLAMMATION, ANTIBODIES, and lose weight by using, food and lifestyle as tools, so they CAN GET THEIR ENERGY back and create the life they want.”

I am not your ordinary health coach. I have over 25 years of personal experience dealing with my own health issues prior to becoming credentialed to help others. I get what you’re dealing with. I understand the frustration you feel when you don’t get the answers you need. I understand that getting to the root cause of the problem is the first step in developing a strategy to feel better.

I use Questionnaires and Assessments to see how to best begin to support the whole person in the healing process. Your history tells a story. I take the time to listen to your story and to figure out cause and effect. Autoimmune conditions are usually caused by toxin exposure, infections, gut health, environment, and lack of enough quality rest.

The diet can only help so much, the lifestyle is what moves the needle. I show you how to build resilience and balance hormones. Together we collaborate to create a road map to healing. Your health can be drastically transformed in as little as ninety days. We compile your personal roadmap in a binder for you to keep and reference so you stay on track when our sessions end.

Why choose me?

Coach Lynn combines everything she’s learned as a multiple certified and National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach and her background of life experiences including vast knowledge from personally living with many different health challenges along with her intuition, empathy, compassion and passion for life in service to others with similar challenges. She walks the talk, and she gets how hard it can be to stick to a plan long enough to see lasting change come to fruition.  Life happens. That is why people get better results with a coach.

Who is lynn rester?